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Small Transit

MicroWay Urban Mass Transit

Roam's MicroWay Urban Transit Train on Guideway. MegaRail

Roam’s MicroWay Urban Transit Train on Guideway.

The MicroWay Advantage

Roam’s MicroWay systems use a small SuperWay guideway well suited for use over narrow city streets and in dense urban areas. The MicroWay system uses smaller, lighter weight, and lower-speed vehicles (such as the ten-foot length, eleven-passenger cars shown above) to allow for the smaller (30 foot) radii turns needed in such locations.

MicroWay systems offer smooth and quiet rides and passenger capacities greater than traditional Light Rail Transit (LRT) and monorail systems. Microway uses rubber tires operating inside weatherproof guideways, allowing installation on normal street grades on which light rail systems can not be used. Additionally, MicroWay SuperWays are able to carry ordinary small to mid-size automobiles on specially-designed CarFerrys and can accommodate automated Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) vehicles.

Roam Transport MicroWay—Station Over Street. MegaRail

Roam Transport MicroWay—Station Over Street.

Available Now — Initial Mode allows Service within 36 Months
  • Similar to current train service operation
  • Cars coupled into short trains
  • Trains have human operator in lead car
  • Advanced controls allow decreased headways
MicroWay Mass Transit Cars are Coupled into Short Trains

Now available, manually-controlled, coupled train MicroWay Mass Transit offers high capacity urban rail mass transit that exceeds light rail capacity but at significantly lower cost and time to service. The 13-passenger air-conditioned cars feature stand-up cabin height and provide for 30% seated passengers. The self-propelled coaches run on rubber tires that roll on continuous steel rail surface that are located inside enclose rail tubes for all-weather operation. Passengers are assured a vibration-free, very low noise ride.

The low-profile, stainless-steel guideway resembles a pair of small monorails and is always elevated over existent street and freeway rights-of-way. As a general rule, no additional right-of-way is required for MicroWay Mass Transit system installation.

Roam Transport MicroWay—Future Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Prototype Vehicle on Guideway. MegaRail

Roam Transport MicroWay—Future Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Prototype Vehicle on Guideway.

Future Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) Service

Future PRT cars will be able to share the same MicroWay SuperWay guideway as the mass transit train. Non-stop 30 to 65-mph passenger service with small (4 to 6-passenger), automated cars operate on a 24/7 demand basis for no-wait transport. Cars travel on a non-stop basis from boarding station to exit station without time-wasting and trip-time extending intermediate station stops typical of city buses and light rail or monorail trains. Passengers are accommodated in spacious seats in quiet, smooth-ride cars.

Near-Term, Low to No Tax Funds for Operation and Maintenance