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Roam’s CarFerryOffers Future Personal Automobile Service

Conventional Cars Carried on Roam CarFerry Vehicles on SuperWay System. MegaRail

Conventional Cars Carried on Roam CarFerry Vehicles on SuperWay System.

Conventional Cars use CarFerry Vehicles and SuperWay System for Area-Wide Travel

Roam has designed and patented CarFerry vehicle for both the smaller MicroWay and the full-size MegaWay SuperWay guideways. Roam’s CarFerry vehicles move ordinary automobiles—with their drivers and passengers still inside—both within urban areas and cross-country.

Drivers drive their cars onto the CarFerry where it is locked in place. CarFerries may be used in: coupled car liner commuter trains, in 120-mph cross-country MegaWay trains, or as automated single CarFerry vehicles. In single ferry use, a driver selects the destination exit by use of a small control panel mounted inside the windshield, or can simply push the Next Exit button on the panel as they approach their destination.

CarFerry Advantages
  • Automated SuperWay Travel.
  • Electrically Powered by SuperWay.
  • High-speed (65-mph/urban – 85-mph – commuter, 120-mph – intercity).
  • Fast SuperWay Entry & Exit.
  • Driver Destination Control.
Cross-Sectional View of Personal Car on CarFerry Vehicle. MegaRail

Cross-Sectional View of Personal Car on CarFerry Vehicle.

Offers Easy Road Access & Enhances Private Automobile Use

Conventional cars can also use the high-speed, automated SuperWay system for area-wide travel without any car modifications, other than placement of a toll-tag type device with a keyboard in the car windshield. Drivers travel non-stop at high-speed in their own cars throughout the area, while toll and/or power use is automatically charged via monthly billing.