Personal Rapid Transport

Roam Transport MicroWay Personal Rapid Transit Car on Elevated Guideway.
Personal Rapid Transit on Mass Transit Infrastructure
Roam’s MicroWay systems allow use of the same SuperWay guideways used for mass transit by automated Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) vehicles. PRT vehicles can move between local, lighter-weight PRT guideway routes and mainline routes used by mass transit trains and single group transit vehicles. All services will be able to use Mass Transit stations located on sidings from MicroWay mainlines. MicroWay PRT vehicles offer direct, non-stop station to station travel for individuals or up to six people.
Fast, Safe & Affordable PRT Service
- 24/7 On-demand, Non-stop Station to Station Personal Service.
- 30-mph Local Loop Transport. 65-mph Cross-city Transport.
- Spacious & Comfortable Seating for Four.
- “Step-in & Sit” Entry for Short Stops.
- Platform Level Floors.
- Quiet and Comfortable, no side-sway, bump-free ride.
- Small Cars & Automated Operation for Affordable Cost.

Roam Transport MicroWay Personal Rapid Transit Car Seating Arrangement (Cut-Away, Top View).
Four-Passenger Personal Rapid Transit Cars
Small four-passenger automated personal transport cars provide no-wait, 24-hour day personal car service. Cars depart at any time a passenger or small group of passengers request service. Cars travel on a non-stop basis from boarding station to exit station without time-wasting and trip-time extending intermediate station stops typical of city buses and light rail or monorail trains. Fast trip service is provided by-passing all stations except the destination station. “Step-in and sit” passenger loading, platform level floors and absence of center aisles allows short station stop times. Passengers are accommodated in spacious seats in quiet, smooth-ride cars.

Roam Transport’s MicroWay cars offer plenty of leg and foot room.