High Speed Inter-City CargoLiner™ Train Service

High Speed Inter-City CargoLiner™ Service.
CargoLiner Express Cargo Services Integrate Seamlessly Into the Supply Chain
Roam’s MegaWay-based CargoLiner express cargo services use larger, high-speed SuperWay guideways for cross-country 120-mph cargo movement, either in CargoLiner trains of the type depicted above or via automated single cargo carrier vehicles. All cargo is shipped in enclosed containers and the cargo handled is the same as that now shipped in large, over-the-road trucks. Either palletized or stacked cargo can be handled.
The cargo containers are fully-compatible with standard trucks and trucking. The standard CargoLiner cargo containers are designed to be easily handled by standard forklifts and may be shipped sideways inside standard box trucks. Express cargo vehicles and trains share the same SuperWays as MegaWay passenger and car trains, automated single group passenger CarLiners, and ordinary automobile carrying CarFerries.
Available Now — Start First Service within 36 Months
- Similar to current freight train service operation.
- Small, self-propelled container cars coupled into short trains.
- Trains have human operator in lead car.
- In-cab signaling and car-based switching allow short headways.
- Shares passenger train SuperWays.
CargoLiner Manually Controlled Car Train
The high speed, self-propelled, CargoLiner trains consist of small container cars that are mechanically coupled into short train sets with an operator in the lead car. This service enables MegaWay to provide high speed inter city cargo service within 30 months with virtually zero technical and schedule risk because operation is similar to current manual train operation with only proven, off the shelf technology. Safety and capacity are increased by use of the unique MegaWay capability to precisely measure train position on a continuous basis using simple sensors and references located inside the patented enclosed guideways and car-based switching that does not require moveable guideways.

CargoLiner Standard Cargo Containers Hold Up to 1½ Tons of Cargo. (Side Loading Version)
CargoLiner Cargo Containers
Standard sized CargoLiner cargo containers hold up one and one-half tons of cargo of the same types carried by large, over-the-road box trucks at lower cost. The containers are loaded either by forklifts for pallet cargo or by hand in exactly the same manner as large box trucks are loaded. The containers are loaded onto the carriers by heavy forklifts.
These containers are fully compatible with standard trucks and trucking. The containers can be loaded sideways into either large box trucks or onto flatbed trucks for local delivery and pick-up. They may also be loaded into properly equipped ISO containers for ocean shipping.
The containers forklift provisions allow easy movement of containers in warehouses or docks. Upper lift points on the containers allow for easy lifting onto and off of CargoLiner carrier cars. Containers are equipped with stacking pins on top and pin receptacles on the bottom to allow stacking of containers. These pins and receptacles allow precise placement of the containers on the carrier cars and locking of the containers in place for transport.

CargoLiner Container Car Showing Aerodynamic Fairings in Collapsed Mode.
CargoLiner container cars are equipped with aerodynamic fairings at each end to smooth airflow for high-speed travel. These aerodynamic fairings at the front and rear of the cargo container carriers collapse and fold down when empty. This patented feature reduces aerodynamic drag and propulsion energy requirements for movement of empty vehicles.

Future Automated CargoLiner Cargo Carriers.
Roam’s CargoLiner container cars accept and carry closed containers for high-speed cargo transport. These standard containers lock into place for shipment.